Monday, March 24, 2008

I'd Like To Be a Moderate Loser

Just about the only reality TV show that I watch nowadays is Project Runway. When that season is finished, I don't quite know what to do with myself. But for some reason, while channel surfing, I always manage to find 'The Biggest Loser.' Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?

It's a feel good show and I'm always amazed at how much poundage these contestants manage to lose. I'm so happy for them and I really admire them for stepping out in front of all these viewers to lose weight and get a fresh start on life. Of course it stinks that they have it in a 'competition' format and that someone that really wants to lose weight and just turn their life around has to get 'kicked off' but at the same time, the people that stay on really lose some major weight. Some of those guys entered the start of the show with man-boobs. A hundred pounds later, they are leaner and more fit and some of them are even good looking!

If I did any reality show, it would probably be something like that. But I don't need to lose 50+ pounds - I actually only need to lose like 15-20 pounds - so I wish they had a show called the 'Moderate Loser.' A show where average people that could stand to lose a few pounds, and keep it off (because isn't that always the hardest part) learn how to mix up their workouts, get some personal training and meal advice and maybe get a new wardrobe thrown in there for the 'oooh and ahhhh' factor.

But maybe that's who all those workout and health books are geared towards in the bookstore - those people that need to only lose moderate weight. Not to mention Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. I pass a Jenny Craig office (walking) every time I hit the gym. I wonder why those people can't take a few steps more and just jump in the gym to help them lose the weight. I wonder if my gym and Jenny Craig have some sort of deal together?

I guess what it all boils down to is watching average people lose some weight just wouldn't make for exciting TV.

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