What we came away with that night was our Chippendale crushes and a burning question in my mind - just how many of those guys are gay?! But we won't focus on the gay thing - but on our crushes. One of the more "popular" dancers among our group was the one we dubbed 'dough boy.' This guy had his back turned towards the audience and at the point where he was supposed to rip away his pants to reveal buns of steal - he kind of revealed buns of dough. We saw cellulite. Which kind of endeared him to us more because he was "real." Yes, even men have cellulite problems.

So fast forward a year and a half later, while lying in bed, getting ready to call it a night, I'm flipping through the movie channels only to come across 'Skin-amax' and a face that looked eerily similar to Charles. Then I saw the Marines tattoo and my eyes just bulged. My husband was in the shower so I couldn't tell him that Charles was doing smut! I just sat there and watched, unbelieving that Charles was doing porn! Why this amazed me, I have no idea...but I had to know for sure - so I whipped out my laptop, went on IMDB and checked it out for myself and sure enough, it was Charles...my Chippendale crush, having sexy time with that porn tart! Also, while on IMDB it seems as if Charles had a big porn year in 2007 - and according to Wikipedia, his orientation is straight.... I guess I'm glad (in a way) that he's branching out into other things - because it's not like Chippendale's was playing to a packed house...at least not a year and a half ago!
Other than making appearances on shows when they're needed, and doing their live shows in Vegas, it doesn't seem as if Chippendale's was the powerhouse that it once was...perhaps in the 80s? Sure the guys are cute and entertaining in a cheese-tastic sort of way, but still, is it really a living? I'm sure a bunch of those guys have day jobs (personal trainer? masseuse? something to work out those muscles?) and it appears that some also dream of the silver screen. It just goes to show that these guys are more than erotic dancers, showing off their well-sculpted abs for our entertainment....they have dreams, just like you and me. Dream on, Chippendale Dancer...Dream until your dreams come true!
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