Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dim the Lights....

It's time to dim the lights for a sad, sad moment....Daniel Craig (the latest, and hottest, James Bond actor) just proposed to his mannish-girlfriend, Satsuki Mitchell. I just read the headlines off a 'credible' UK new site.

Who is the lucky lady? Well, we know she's 29 and an American. Occupation-wise, she's listed as a producer but does having two movies in which you're listed as producer/co-producer necessarily make you a producer? I mean, I've karaoked more than twice but that doesn't make me a pop-star. I've also shopped enough to know that I wouldn't list myself as a professional shopper on the old resume. So I question the occupation title and work ethic because since Daniel has been boosted into the limelight, she seems to be his "baggage" rather than her own individual. Then again, to become Mrs. Daniel Craig pretty much guarantees that she probably doesn't have to work again for her life.

In pictures, she looks to be a 'mutt' - my guess would be half-Japanese (uh - Satsuki), half-Caucasian (and - Mitchell). In my experience, mutts tend to be super-good looking....unfortunately, that doesn't apply to the lady in question (in my opinion). Of course I'm not saying this to be mean (even though I'm known to be catty) or bitter (because she's marrying my #2 boyfriend) but sometimes when I see her, I just want to yell (a la Austin Powers), 'She's a MAN, baby!' Really - the thoughts have crossed my mind multiple times!

Of course, in my world, reality is mixed with fantasy and the fact that I'm already married doesn't come into the picture - but it's just sad to know that your crush (one of many) is going to another...I hope it wasn't because I dropped him from the #1 boyfriend spot!!!! Sorry, DC!


  1. Mutt? Are you setting out to offend?
    And if you want to slag off her 'mutt' looks why don't you post a pic of yourself here...or maybe we already know the answer..

  2. Mutt offensive? Not if you're Asian or you are one. In the Asian community, mutts are generally deemed gorgeous - and not offensive at all. In fact I'm looking forward to my own mutt children making their debut next year.
    BTW - my picture is on the site - two of them - duh!

  3. In case there's a language barrier - mutt = mix, not dog. Just wanted to clarify.

    Our President-elect, Barack Obama is a mutt and he has referred to himself as one...not offensive at all.

  4. hey anonymous...are you saying that the u.s. president elect should also be ashamed of himself for describing himself as a "mutt"?! it's not being racially insentive or politically incorrect. and it most certainly is not a derogatory term. get off your high horse.

  5. Wow, not all mixed asians are good looking as you seem to presume. Thats a bit of a far fetched generalisation. Being a 'mutt' (half Japanese half White) myself, I know at least 50 other half Japanese half English 'mutts' in my community, and trust me, only 3 of them are considered good looking. Just because somebody has westernised features it does not mean that automatically they will be good looking. Shame on you for thinking that way. There are both ugly and good looking people in any race equally, not a tendancy for one race or mix to be more 'beautiful'.

    And I hope you married your husband and had kids with him because you LOVE him not because you wanted to have ' beautiful mutt' children to boast about. (trust me, I know many asian women who have mixed race kids believing that it will mean their kids will be beautiful).
