Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Voices Carry

I know Miley Cyrus is all the rage these days, particularly with the tween set. I have seen her face plastered all over my US Weekly. I skip right over any "story" about her, though, because frankly, I'm just not interested. I haven't seen a single second of Hannah Montana, and the only reason I even know about it is because I would basically have to be living in a cave NOT to hear about it. Again, it's all over US Weekly. Also, it was plugged by her daddy Billy Ray on Dancing With the Stars, possibly the best marketing vehicle EVER.

So, anyway, I got my chance to get to know young Miley Cyrus during the Academy Awards. It started with Ryan Seacrest's interview on the red carpet. Side note: Ryan Seacrest is pretty terrible as the emcee of Amercian Idol, but I actually think he's a brilliant interviewer (his awkward pregnancy-related questions to Jessica Alba notwithstanding) - and interviewing is what he should stick to. So anyway, Ryan puts the mic up to Little Miss Cyrus, and holy moly! That girl has a deep voice. I was expecting some kind of Minnie Mouse squeaky thing (perhaps because of the Disney connection). I was so surprised (and impressed)! The deep voice actually made me care about Miley just a little.

I also love Keri Russell's voice. For that alone, she was a winner on the red carpet. And that is probably part of the reason I liked "Waitress" so much. I so admire that low voice she has and wish I had one too.

Which got me thinking . . . do I have a low voice? A high voice? Or somewhere in the middle? I guess I've heard it (and cringed) on my outgoing voicemail messages and in video footage, but I am just not an objective judge. I hope hope hope it is medium to low. But I don't know for sure . . . .


  1. You're a medium - I wouldn't call you low - sometimes you could get low but you're definitely more in the consistently medium range.
    I found that I recently went through puberty (in the last year) and I went from squeaky high to medium-high - I'm still a high and I still squeak but not as badly as I use to, IMO.

    And guilty pleasure - her song on the radio, 'See You Again.' It's catchy - I can only listen to it in the car when I'm driving, otherwise, Brett turns it off.

  2. I think you have a very, very low voice. I mean, you should have been cast as darth vader instead of James Earl Jones or jabba. But seriously, I think your voice is pretty normal mid-range. You don't want a low voice anyway...people may think you're a man baby ;)
