Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Matchmaking for Millionaires

The newest show to hit the Bravo airwaves is Millionaire Matchmaker. It is a reality dating show that follows a professional matchmaker that specializes in millionaires. This wasn't a show that I had put on the "must see" list but during some down time on Sunday, I happened to catch an episode and have the following to say about it....

There were two millionaires that were set up on what we 'hundred-aires' and 'thousand-aires' would consider speed dating, catered specifically for them. Basically, a bevy of females had the opportunity to sit and chat with the millionaires and afterwards, the millionaires had a chance to name one female that they would like to take on a date and get to know better.

I could only watch about 20 minutes of the show before I had to turn it off. It was so painful to watch one of the millionaires - he drove a Porsche, didn't show up to an appointment on time (45 minutes late) and he was SO socially awkward. Awkward in a way that when asked a question, he would respond with his own question. Or when he was trying to get to know each of the girls in the 'speed dating' portion, you could tell he was trying so hard to ask them these deep, insightful questions but instead they came out in a jumbled, warble mess of words that made no sense whatsoever. The matchmaker was so concerned over his social skills (and the fact that the girl he selected for his date wasn't all too thrilled at being the 'chosen one') that she set up an emergency appointment with a relationship therapist before his date so that he wouldn't make a complete ass out of himself (this was the late appointment). All through the chat with the therapist, he was very reluctant to let his guard down or listen to her advice - I got the feeling that he didn't think he needed therapy or relationship advice. She offered simple advice like 'don't answer a question with a question' and 'let your date get to know a little bit of you - you don't need to let your whole guard down...just a little.' I think the therapist thought he was a tool...and I'd have to agree.

So I saw the beginnings of his date and could not bear to watch after what came out of his mouth when they were seated for lunch/dinner. But before I tell you what he said, I just have to say that when I get seated for a meal, a menu is handed to me and I will peruse the menu for appetizers/entrees/etc - looking for nothing in particular - I usually know if I want an appetizer right off the bat but drinks always come first and I usually place my order with the waiter regardless of what my dining partner wants (unless it's a group of girls that all want wine - then we might go in on a bottle together). So upon receiving the menu, the millionaire tells his reluctant date , "We should pick out our entrees so we have the right wine to go with it." (paraphrased) Hmmm - the girl just sat down - can she catch her breath? And usually, if you're having a good time or perhaps on a 'good' date, the waiter has to come back two to three times before you even figure out what drink you're ordering. But to me, it just looked like he was going to be in control - of her meal, her drink, and her life if she continued on with him. Like I said, I couldn't watch after listening to this guy....but I did hear her response, 'That sounds perfect! That sounds like a plan.' I have to believe that these lines were uttered sarcastically...seriously. I got the feeling that she just wanted this date to be over and done with...I don't blame her.

The whole answering a question with a question reminded me of 'The 40-Year Old Virgin' which then made me think if that's where he learned his 'smooth' moves and whether or not he, himself, was a virgin. Either way - good luck to him - I hope he finds a woman that can appreciate his warbled questions and his not-so-obvious depth.

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