Friday, January 25, 2008

When Botox Strikes

Since Botox came into mainstream Hollywood, there have been numerous jokes about celebrities who get Botox injections to keep their youthful looks. But the jokes aren't so much about their vanity to stay young-looking as much as they are about the fact that after an injection, their face kind of freezes. And it seems like the more Botox you get, the more stretched out the face looks.

One of the biggest victims of Botox chatter is Nicole Kidman. Her recent cover on 'W' magazine (with one of my boyfriends, ahem) showed a flawless face with a smooth as fondant forehead and some tightening around the eyes. She almost looked like a wax figure. Of course there could've been some airbrushing but this went beyond airbrushing. Nicole has not come out and admitted to using Botox - but the speculation runs very high. Maybe she IS blessed with flawless skin that seems to get younger as she gets older - you never know.

But here are a couple of people that just can't deny they are Botox users or have had work done. Hunter Tylo and Kenny Rogers. I don't know if either have come out to confirm or deny but something happened and it didn't turn out great.

Back in college, I watched 'The Bold and the Beautiful.' I used to think Hunter Tylo was one of the most beautiful women - she had long chestnut hair and beautiful blue eyes. After not watching the show for about 10 years (been working), I managed to catch some of it on Wednesday, while I was working from home. And oh my goodness, did she not age well. I thought perhaps it had to do with the recent death of her son. But this was beyond grieving - this was cosmetic surgery. She went from real to plastic.

The other, Kenny Rogers - I happened to catch a picture of him in Parade magazine and what I saw was not pretty. Kenny, Kenny, Kenny - take your own advice - you have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them and most importantly, know when to walk away. What happened to you? You forgot to walk away.

Bonnie Tyler, beloved Welsh singer of the awesome 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' has come out as a long-time user of Botox. But she doesn't over do it - and she admits that it's strictly for vanity and she sees nothing wrong with it. Good for her - at least she doesn't look totally unnatural. More like a cross between a Precious Moments doll and Brooke Hogan (daughter of the Hulkster) .

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of Hunter Tylo that you posted aren't even that bad. I was just reading US Weekly and she looks really bad. Something is so wrong with her face. Same thing goes for Meg Ryan. Nicole Kidman definitely does something weird to her face - in some pics she looks good, but in other pics, she looks all distorted and stuff.
