Monday, January 28, 2008

The Morning After....

Why can't they make a morning after pill for drinking? You know - for us old folks that can't handle the hang over like we use to?

Needless to say, I drank a little too much this past Saturday night! But after working 12 days straight with a business trip and delayed train towards the end of that streak, I was ready to let loose, kick back and enjoy Saturday night with my friends. And let loose I did. Unfortunately, the timing of letting loose was probably not the best since I had a noon volleyball game on Sunday AND I had to book it to the dance recital right afterwards.

Although volleyball was fun and we won our first game of the season, it wasn't fun for me, because I was still fighting the hangover. The lineup? It came out like this, 'You three and you three - get out there - and you can figure out where to play. The rest of you - rotate here - and figure it out for yourselves.' My stellar coaching skills shined through and I'm sure I made a wonderful impression on the new people!

Then heading to the dance recital, I was tired, sweaty, still had my knee socks on from volleyball and just completely lazy. All I wanted was my bed. Our recital consisted of our dance instructor's four other classes - one of which is jazz/hip hop for girls....little girls....screaming, little girls. As each class practiced, I sat there, watching, in a daze, wishing for home and bed. I also had to constantly remind Amanda of how I appalled I was upon hearing about a drunk girl 'dropping trou' (that's de-pantsing for those of you not familiar with the lingo) and peeing on the stairs at the bar we were at the night before. Thankfully I pulled it together for the actual recital and it went well - but I was ready to bolt it out of there after the performance.

I did take two advils before leaving the house on Sunday morning - but I wish there was like some kind of super-pill that we could take on Sunday and just not feel a thing the rest of the weekend....a cure-all for hangover. Because I'll tell you, my hangover recovery time is nowhere near what it used to be in college. I am getting OLD!!!!

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