Thursday, January 10, 2008

"Fad[ing] Into Bolivian"

This is a direct quote from Mike Tyson. He was talking smack about one of his challengers, in that little cartoon voice of his. I remember it well, both because it was so quintessential Tyson and because the editors in the sports newsroom had a field day with it, helping the audience out with a great visual aid - a map of Bolivia, of course.

I feel so behind on my posts. I've said it before, I know. I sound like a broken record. I still have daily observations. And many I consider to be blogworthy. But I can't seem to make the time to get them on paper.

But please don't worry. Don't give up on me. I'll get it together. There's no way I'm fading into Bolivian (even though I have heard it's quite lovely) . . .

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