Wednesday, September 5, 2007

YAYE Football!

It's the start of football season...quite possibly my favorite time of year. College football officially began this past weekend. My beloved Purdue Boilermakers squashed Toledo in their opening season game. I hope they can keep up the momentum throughout the season....the toughest part of our schedule occurs at the end of September through October with back-to-back-to-back-to-back games against Notre Dame, Ohio State, Michigan and Iowa. However, it's not looking too bad with two of these four teams losing their opening season games...tee hee, both Notre Dame and Michigan lost. I'm not quite sure which is worse...Notre Dame getting absolutely killed and only scoring three points in their game against Georgia Tech or Michigan losing to a I-AA school, Appalachian State...the first time in NCAA history that a Div I-AA school has beaten a top ranking Div I-A school. Either way, this just goes to show that football is unpredictable and that's what makes it so exciting.

The NFL opens up their season this weekend and there we have my other favorite football team, the Dallas Cowboys. The legend goes that if the Cowboys do poorly in their pre-season games, they tend to do really well during the regular season, almost always making it to the playoffs. But if they do really well in the pre-season, they are looking at a bumpy road ahead. Well, they went 2-2 in the pre-season...I really don't know what that tells me except that I need to stay tuned in.

I decided to pass on the fantasy football leagues this year, although I finally had a team name I could be proud of....the Ding Dang Ping Pongs....that's from Beerfest, in case anyone was wondering. The league I was going to join, through a coworker, never made if off the ground. The office coworkers have shifted quite a bit in the past two years that the people I normally play with in the office isn't enough to form another league...oh well, I guess I'll just be the reigning champion of the first ever office fantasy football league.

Yes, this is my favorite time of year. Unfortunately for everyone else in my life, this is also the time of year they take a backseat to football. I try to plan my schedule around game times. My Dad asked me to come up to NJ in September to take care of some family business. I had to look at the football schedule to see which weekends were best for me - I figured the Minnesota game, on the 22nd of September would be okay since it's a night game and I can watch it from my sister's place....all other weekends in September were not do-able. My sister asked what would be good weekends to come down to visit, without the kids. Again, I needed to consult the football schedule. I told her the last weekend would be the best cause that's when we're playing Northwestern and they're not good - so that should be a 'W' for Purdue. All other weekends, she needs to come with me to the football game viewing...I don't think she was too interested. She went to Rutgers...who, by the way, are ranked WAY high this year and still, no spirit coming out of her.

So - be on the lookout for my football updates...(the outcomes of both the Purdue and Cowboys games almost always dictate my mood on Monday mornings)...are you ready for some football?!


  1. Great minds think alike ...

    I was getting ready to post something on the "home team," but darn that work . . .

  2. Go, Scarlet Knights! I got the kiddies their Rutgers t-shirts - what more do I need to do?? =)
