Thursday, September 6, 2007


In light of the University of Michigan's recent plummet in the college football rankings (yay!), I thought we could talk a little bit about being overrated. Michigan has been overrated for what seems like forever to me. If they have two losses in their record, for instance, they will still be the highest ranked team with two losses. You would think, being from Michigan, that I might be a fan. Not so. OVERRATED!

Here is a list of some other things that are overrated (in my own personal opinion, of course).

1. Mischa Barton. Who decided this girl was good looking? I mean, she's okay, I guess. But the hotness? I just don't get it. Overrated.

2. Dave Matthews Band. I realize this may not be a popular point of view, but I have never understood the broad appeal of the Dave Matthews Band. They're passable, I suppose, but would I pay hundreds of dollars and brave the crowds of '90s college grads to go see DMB? Don't think so. I hear "Satellite" enough on the radio, thank you.

3. Chipotle. If your diet calls for 1,000 plus calories in one sitting, Chipotle is the way to go. If your diet calls for taste, forget it. This is the blandest Tex-Mex I have ever tasted. Who puts white rice in a burrito? If you really want a tasty giant burrito, try Freebird's in Texas - then Chipotle will be dead to you, as it is to me.

4. Paper clips. Always hated them. Always will.

My secretary has a note to herself at her desk: "Amanda does NOT like paper clips." Just when you start to trust them, they fly off your document as you flip the page, leaving you with a jumbled mess. I'll take a staple any day of the week.

5. Mongolian Barbeque. If I wanted to be my own chef, why would I bother going out to dinner? Here's an idea: you pick the spices, you prepare it, you serve it to me. I can buy raw meat in the grocery store.


  1. I agree with EVERYTHING on the list but #4 - I like cute paper clips - not your standard silver, office-issues paper clips - unless it's colored, which I ordered for my group.

    Mischa Barton - from the OC (which I never watched) to a Keds spokesperson - what else has she done?! I don't get it.

  2. Mongolian bbq is like the worst meal I have ever eaten out.
    Paper clips are good especially for twisting when i need to multi-task or something.

  3. I like mongolian bbqs...the secret is in the sauce....

  4. Thanks, Jen - realized I misspelled Mischa the first time. I fixed it.
