Monday, June 18, 2007

Meijer's Thrifty Acres

You know you show signs of shopoholism when even discount shopping can generate some excitement on a trip. I am here in Indianapolis for business. My hotel is near a Meijer's Thrifty Acres. For those of you who don't know, Meijer's is a Midwestern "everything but the kitchen sink" store offering discounted prices on everything from baked goods to floor mats. It's like a Super Wal-Mart. Only way better. Slightly less cramped together, and from what I've noticed, fewer check writers and extended families all huddled together in one aisle (it also appears significantly cleaner, but I haven't been there during the graveyard hours or on a weekend in a very long time). I knew I had to stop somewhere on the way back from my meetings for some contact lens solution (I always forget SOMETHING), but I did not know I would be so lucky as to stumble on a Meijer's so close to my hotel. I probably spent a good hour in there, picking up some Purdue paraphenalia (including a football jersey beer coozy and two shirts for Shawn - sadly, no girlie gear...), running shoes, gum, a diet coke, the contact lens solution, and a duffle bag. The duffle bag was so that my new stuff could come home with me. I nearly acquired a new hair dryer and some workout shorts, but at a certain point enough is enough, you know? Of course, there's always tomorrow night . . . .


  1. After all the Purdue stuff you picked up for Shawn, I was like 'okay - i'd do that - that's pretty normal.' But then you continued onto the running shoes, etc and I had to chuckle cause I'm thinking, 'I hope she has enough room in her luggage to bring this all back' and then I read the duffle bag - so funny.
    So is that Meijer's "official" name - I've never heard it with the Thrify Acres attached at the end. I do miss Meijer's but it can never replace my love of Target - especially the Target SuperWonderland in Lafayette that now has everything but the sink. We'll have to go in September!

  2. It actually was the official name back in 1982. I think they probably dropped the "Thrifty Acres" part about 15 years ago, though.

    Just an update: of course I returned today. My purchases included a Purdue shirt and hat for my dad, the Adidas shorts I passed on yesterday, a sports bra, a tank top, some calcium chews, my Benefiber (big fan), two gala apples, a small veggie tray, some microwave popcorn, and some 100 calorie pack Reese's pieces snack mix (never seen it before). I stood in front of a refrigerator twelve pack of diet A&W cream soda for at least two minutes. It was agony to pass on that since I have yet to find it anywhere within a 20 mile radius of D.C., but I just couldn't figure out how to get that home. Was hoping for a two liter just to enjoy in my hotel, but no such luck.

    Love Target too, but it's not as much of a treat for me since I have one right down the street from my house. Ahh - Meijer!

  3. May need to stop at Meijer's for a peek in September!
