Thursday, June 21, 2007

Fashion in Film

Here's another one for the fashionistas. If you love movies like I do, you appreciate that there is a lot more to take away from a film than the plot and the acting. There's also the scenery, the music (both score and soundtrack), and the wardrobe. I often find myself in a desperate search for the song I heard during the end credits or during a particularly poignant scene. But I've recently realized that I also pay attention to the costumes in movies - if you could really call them that. I am talking of present day characters (at least present when the movie came out) and their fabulous clothes that I covet. Most recently, I rented "Catch and Release," and I became so distracted by the fine tan suede jacket worn by Jennifer Garner in the beginning of the film. This made me think back to other movies where I have obsessed over finding a certain article of clothing featured. In no particular order, here is my list:

1. Catch and Release - that beautiful beautiful suede jacket worn by Jennifer Garner.

2. The Devil Wears Prada - I don't know how you could have a list like this and not have this movie on it. There are so many to choose from, but I am again going with outerwear - that lovely cream colored coat and beret in that montage scene showing Anne Hathaway going to work every morning after her makeover.

3. Love, Actually - the cream colored short sleeved sweater worn by Keira Knightly when she answers the door to Mr. Unrequited Love. I searched for that sweater for months, conveniently forgetting that I am neither 20 years old nor 98 pounds.

4. Clueless - It's been over ten years, and the fashion in that movie is still great to me. I particularly loved the burgundy dress with the ever so slightly poofed sleeves and ribbon sash that Alicia Silverstone wore (and which Amber eventually copied).

5. When Harry Met Sally - An oldie but a goodie. There were so many outfits of Meg Ryan's that I loved, but for some reason in the 9th grade, I just had to find her dark loose fitting jeans, cream colored mock turtleneck and a nice brown leather belt to finish it off. I found something passable at The Limited, but I knew it wasn't exactly the same.

6. Pretty Woman - who didn't want that light brown polka dotted dress Julia Roberts wore to the races? I didn't have the hat, but I did have the dress knock-off (and matching Arsenio Hall "woo woo" motion).

Then I just thought I would add some dishonorable mentions. I don't obsess over these, but I sat through a few viewings of these movies and YUCK. Just goes to show that being attractive doesn't get you all of the way:

1. Picture Perfect - wedding outfit worn by Jennifer Aniston. Green and orange dress with green tights. Or was it orange tights? It doesn't matter - it was yuck.

2. Two Weeks Notice - I know Sandra Bullock's outfit at the end with the faux silk shirt and dowdy skirt were supposed to make her look "free clinic," but I just couldn't stand to watch the disgrace. There's no excuse for that.

3. Pretty in Pink - only not so much. Years later, I've grown accustomed to the gown Molly Ringwald designed herself by ruining that perfectly lovely '60's Annie Potts number, but at the time, I freaking HATED that mess. Way to emphasize Molly Ringwald's worst features (but as an aside, I did love her ensemble in The Breakfast Club).


  1. I liked Cher's outfit, in Clueless, when she flunked her driving test and later figured out she was in love with Josh (aka - Paul Rudd)...sigh!

  2. Princess Diaries 1 and 2 had some great fashion in it - especially 2 when she got her own amazing wardrobe and a walk-in closet the size of our living room with drawers controlled by remote controls and stuff - it was a dream closet!

  3. I love the "driving test" outfit in Clueless too. Really, there were so many to choose from.

  4. Clueless has been on HBO. Saw a few minutes of it last night. I also covet an argyle sweater that is featured only for a few seconds.
