Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just How Far Do Bridezillas Go?

They are the craziest of the crazed. They are oftentimes under extreme stress and confronting uncooperative peers. They even have their own show on cable. They are....BRIDEZILLAS!

I haven't watched the show -I always pass by it on the Channel Guide thinking that I don't need to watch that kind of dra-mah. But what made me think about Bridezillas was actually the final challenge of Project Runway - creating a bridesmaid's dress to accompany the wedding dress each finalist had to design.

I actually thought all three finalists' dresses were very nice however, only one of the three, in my opinion, could be versatile enough to fit women of various sizes. That one was Korto's. I feel like halters could work for any person and I really didn't think it was as bad as the judges made it out to seem - but their negative feedback was probably related to the "mess" that was her wedding dress.

The other two bridesmaids dresses, by Kenley and Leanne - although beautiful - not very versatile for all body types.

Which leads me to this question about Bridezillas - have there been bridezillas that have gone so far as to leave out a family member (sibling), close friend, etc from their wedding party because they didn't fit the 'skinny' mold of what their wedding should look like? I mean how does that talk go if you have an overweight sister - 'Umm, hey sis...you're practically my best friend but my wedding party needs to look glamorous so I can't have you in my wedding - unless you can lose 50 lbs. in the next 10 months.'
I'm sure there are brides like that all over the place - and I know there are brides that struggle when they do have their closest friends/relatives in the wedding party and they just span the whole range of the size chart. I knew one bride that had three bridesmaids - they were a size 6, 10 and 16...talk about a range. So I suggested she go with a halter dress - as those seem to be flattering on all sizes.

I know there are Bridezillas out there that go crazy for a pluthera of other reasons, but I think this one - leaving out siblings/family members from the bridal party because they are overweight, would be an extreme. Then again, it's been awhile since I was a bride and none of my friends (thank goodness) are/were Bridezillas....so maybe I'll just to tune in to see how far these Bridezillas actually go in their ranting, ravings and demands.


  1. I watched that show Bridezillas on the WE channel and most of the brides seem to be of the the lower class. They also tend to be on the younger side - early twenties. I also think that these "ladies" act worse than usual because they know the cameras are on.

  2. I watch it on Sundays when there's nothing else on. You wouldn't believe how crazed the Bridezillas get. One Bridezilla thought her bridesmaid had gained some weight since the initial fitting, so she went ahead and bought a different gown for the bridesmaid in larger size. She saw nothing wrong in doing so. Needless to say the bridesmaid was extremely embarassed and upset. I had to stop watching, so I'm not sure if she ended dropping out of the bridal party.

    I prefer Whose Wedding Is It Anyway. The brides are still crazy, but to a lesser extent. It's more about the wedding planner and the drama is encapsulated in just one episode, not dragged on for 2-3 like w/ Bridezilla.
