Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Your Baby Smells....

It might seem like all my recent postings have been about babies and pregnancies (minus my Jetson-themed post), but I feel like this post would have been a necessity had I not been pregnant.

When I think of babies, I think of smooth skin, bald heads, and baby powder smells. When I was walking through the grocery store yesterday and passed a 1.5 year old with his Dad, I smelled poop. It was bad. I almost felt like turning around and saying 'Hey, I think it's time for a diaper change.' It was probably the first time in my pregnancy, thus far, that I felt the gag reflexes going off.

And then as I passed them and tried to get away from the source of the smell, I thought to myself, 'Oh my gosh - that could be me in a year!' And then I said a little prayer that I would never be THAT parent that just walked around the store, ho-humming like nothing was up. The Dad didn't seem to be in any great rush to get the grocery shopping done so they could change the poopie diaper. Me? I would like to think that at the first whiff of "danger," I would be parking my cart to the side and making a bee-line to the ladies' room to make my baby 'fresh' again.

It has actually happened on one occasion...with my nephew. He was about 2-3 years old and I had to make a quick trip to Target. And since this was only going to be a 30 minute voyage, I didn't bother taking the diaper bag with me. I figured he was 'older' and what could possibly happen in 30 minutes?! Apparently, a lot. We arrived at the Target and I went directly to the aisle I needed to be in. As I was making my selection, my nephew had marked his territory in the aisle by standing in one spot and proceeding to turn bright red. You see, he was turning red because he was pushing. Pushing what? Certainly not daisies. Back in the day, this is how my nephew would conduct his poop sessions - he would be playing, playing, playing and then freeze and his cheeks would puff out and his face would turn beet red. One time he even grabbed onto my husband's knees for support.

I immediately knew what was going on - I immediately panicked. Instead of proceeding to the checkout and just lugging this now 'smelly kid' around the store with me or even going to buy diapers and wipes to change him on the spot, I put my stuff back, went to the car and drove home. I felt bad that I didn't have his diaper bag with me and that was a lesson learned - never leave without a diaper bag when traveling with ANY child.

So since I've had it happen to me in the past and now that I know I will have it happen to me in the future, I feel somewhat secure in knowing that I will do my very best not to have the smelliest kid around.


  1. I miss those days. :)

  2. OMG...I totally remember when he used to do that. I think that happened once when we were at the Cheesecake Factory. We were in the middle of ordering and he made that face. =)

    BTW...my husband is still waiting for our baby to develop that sweet smell. He seems to think that baby smells like soiled diapers all the time even though that's not the case. =(
