Thursday, December 18, 2008

What's This Guy's Secret?!?!?!

The guy to the left is Drew Peterson. No relation to the other scum bag, Scott Peterson, locked up in CA.
If you're not family with Drew Peterson, he is currently under investigation for the homicide of wife #3 and under suspicion for his missing wife #4.
He has been a staple in the US news for the first half of 2008. Things have died down with him, while he is under investigation but now he's back in the news - with bells on. Why? Cause he's engaged to be married to wife #5!
So when I read the headlines that he was engaged again, a few things ran through my head:
1) Are you kidding me?
2) Is that legal? I mean I don't believe his fourth wife has ever been found but is still considered 'missing.'
3) Does this woman (his fiance) have a death wish?
4) Have you seen the guy? He's not wealthy, he's not good is he finding all this action? (Must be his mojo.)
5) What is his secret? How is a man like that married four times already and has already got wife #5 waiting in the wings?!

My first instinct is that he MUST be drugging these women into marrying him. Like I said, 'Have you seen this guy?'
I'm sure these women are not being drugged - I have to settle myself to the fact that they must just be dumb. Really dumb.

A coworker and I were having a conversation about this....who in their right mind would want to "be with" a person who is under legal suspicion. To take it one step further, who would want to "be with" a person locked up for life? The latter is about Scott Peterson - the man convicted of killing his wife and their unborn child. He's in prison and he's got 120+ lady pen pals. I'm sure writing all 120+ helps pass the time behind bars but what is with these women? What are their deals? Do they have such LOW self esteem that the only way they could possibly be in a relationship is with someone behind bars - where their "love interest" remains captive? Are they hoping that by being with a convicted killer, or even a person under suspicion, it might save them a trip to a reality game show in order to get their 15 minutes of fame?

Part of me also wondered if some of these women thought they could actually 'save' these men in some way. Like the fiance to Drew Peterson - maybe she feels she could save him and his reputation by becoming wife #5 and showing the world that she can survive....they can get married and divorced and come out it of unscathed. Maybe she'll even outlive him...who knows.

The point is - something crazy is going on here and it does not smell kosher!

1 comment:

  1. The new fiancee is also young. I think she's 23 or 24. The same age as his missing fourth wife. This guy is creepy. 2 out of his 4 ex-wives are dead. Shouldn't that tell his fiancee something?
