Wednesday, December 10, 2008

When Will We Reach 'Jetson' Status?

Back in the 80s, one of my favorite cartoons was 'The Jetsons.' In fact, it's still one of my favorites. When I am able to catch it on the Cartoon Network, which is not often, I do enjoy watching and feeling nostalgic. Of course watching it as a six to eight year old, I was always looking forward to a future of flying cars, instant food and robot maids named 'Rosie.'

Fast forward to 2008 and I sit here wondering - when will we reach the Jetsons' lifestyle? You would think with all the automobile hub-bub going on, this would be the PERFECT time to look ahead and invest in flying (fuel efficient) cars. I heard that Neiman Marcus had one for kids during the holidays - in looking at their site now, I didn't see it offered this year. But that's one step closer, right?

But aside from flying cars, how about machines that spit out full meals? I love how Jane Jetson would always stress about getting dinner ready and with a few presses of some buttons, the table was set and a full course meal was presented in under 10 seconds. And just as quickly, all the dishes were cleared and the kitchen was spotless.

Why can't we have 'Rosies' that go around the house, talking with a New York accent, and whipping out a belly vaccuum at the drop of a crumb...all while playing spaceball with 'Roy Boy.' She 'bing bings' through the house, makes smart comments but never complains...and she's your friend as well as your helper....and all at the price of a can of oil every so often (to keep her lubed).

I find at night, I am in real need of the conveyor belt shower/clothes changer where I just start at one end, get my body washed, hair washed, teeth brushed and changed into my pajamas, like a human carwash - all without moving and all within minutes. That would save me from being fully conscious when getting ready for bed.

Ahh - the future. To live like the Jetsons. Forget about jetting off to exotic locales in Africa or Europe. How about going to the burger joint on Mars with your talking dog, Astro?!

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