Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Want to Be Kung Fu Fighting....

Lord knows that I don't do well in front of crowds - public speaking is really not my forte. That's probably why I never ventured into anything involving the public, growing up...stage fright...still got it too. It's rather silly when I think about it - I'm an adult and I should be able to speak clearly and eloquently in front of an audience or crowd without my insides feeling like jell-o.

And even though you'll never catch me on Broadway (maybe as a back-up dancer in the way, way back), I wouldn't mind having a part in a movie. I think the idea of having a bit part in a movie that doesn't make it to the cutting room floor, would be pretty sweet. And when I say bit part, I mean smaller than the lead, bigger than an extra.

But I don't want to be in any old movie - I want to be in an action movie where I can use my martial arts skills to kick some ass. I trained in kick boxing (and I'm not talking aerobic or tae-bo here) for a few years, with a real black-belted sensei. I even trained with Joe Lewis, the world heavyweight kickboxing champ, a couple of times. I loved it. I knew my body was built for kickboxing....I had really strong kicks and my punches weren't too bad either. I have pretty long legs so it made round-houses that much more interesting. I would say I was probably one of the stronger female fighters amongst my class. And what made me better was I always trained with someone experienced.

I look at all the movies that I could've been in - 'Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,' 'Charlie's Angels' or anything with some martial arts involved - and I think about how cool it would be. Of course, it's something I would like to do before I die - and preferably before my body can't handle the grueling workouts and practices to prep for a fight scene...I would say around 40.

Of course I wouldn't want to do it full time...once is all I need (and can probably handle)...and it cant' be in a Steven Seagal movie - I do have some standards, afterall!

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