Friday, July 18, 2008

Summer Brown, Winter White

Before the warm weather hit the DC area this year (2008), I had made a conscious effort to not tan during the warm months - and I mean naturally tan. When my husband and I went out to Arizona in March, for spring training (what else), where it was already in the 80s, I made sure to bring a big-rimmed hat (looking fabulous) to help cover up during baseball games. It worked - I didn't come back with a tan, which would be like the first time that I have come back from a warm-weather hot spot untanned.

But then one smoldering Saturday, in June, when I had a soccer game followed by a softball game, I absentmindedly left off the sunblock, the hat, even the bug spray. I got lucky, during soccer, because we played under the clouds. It was still humid, but at least we had cloud cover. By the time I reached the softball game, I wasn't as lucky. It was sweltering, sunny and in the upper 90s and I had to ask my teammates for reinforcements (bug spray, sun block, anything). Luckily I got my hands on all those things. Unfortunately, it was too late...I was burned.

I have the type of skin that tans EXTREMELY easily. As one of my other Asian friends has said, 'I tan in the library.' I wouldn't go that drastic but I share the sentiment. Give me 10 minutes in the sun (winter, spring, summer, fall), I'll give you a tan line. So growing up, I have spent my summers browning, and the winters turning pasty white again, with spring and fall as transition periods.

Well my conscious effort has gone out the window for 2008 as I am now tan and you know what, I'm glad. You know why? Cause I decided that I look better tanned. In looking at my pre-tan, summer pictures, I actually kind of look sickly with my paleness and the bright sun shining down on me. When I look in the mirror now, with my burn mellowing into a nice brown tan, I look pretty darn good - more lively, if you will.

So from here on out, I plan on being brown in the summer and pale in the winter - skin cancer, come and get me!

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