Monday, June 30, 2008

What Would You Say?

I am a creature of habit when it comes to eating. While I certainly enjoy a variety of cuisines, when I first discover something I like, I tend to go on a little mini binge with it. It's not really binging in the true sense (no, I don't gluttonously consume mass quantities in one sitting), but I do engage in a routine of consuming my new discovery on a frequent, and often repetitive, basis.

My friend Kim once gave me a Whirlipop for my birthday. It's no secret that I love popcorn, of course (hence the decision to gift to me this fantastic contraption), but I bet even Kim didn't know just how far I took it. I ate popcorn every day for a solid two weeks after that sucker was mine. Did I eventually get sick of it? Well, not really. Popcorn is one of those things I could eat every day without complaint. But I did end up eventually having to make room for some other foods in my diet, so I had to start occasionally letting popcorn take a backseat.

Since moving back to Texas, while I, sadly, have been robbed of the Starbucks molasses cookie (damn regional differences), I have been reintroduced to two WONDERFUL fast food delights. Taco Cabana and Sonic. If you haven't become acquainted with Taco Cabana, you're missing out. It is so many leagues above Taco Bell (try the chicken fajita taco - out of this world), and they even serve beer there. What could be better? I have to be honest too - I have eaten at countless sit down Tex-Mex places since I've been here, and Taco Cabana's chips and queso cream them all (is that a pun? almost, I think - but not quite). I ate Taco Cabana yesterday and then immediately craved it again today. And yum. It was just as tasty and satisfying on Day 2.

And then there's Sonic. Man, oh man. Sonic is awesome. It's true you have to deal with that awkward dilemma of whether to tip the carhop who delivers your food (they have a drive thru, but I can't tell the difference between that and the regular ordering style - you still get a carhop when you "drive thru"). However, it is well worth the effort. I've become accustomed to swinging by the Sonic after a good gym workout to get a refreshing Diet Cherry Limeade. I recently added a regular sized tater tots to my routine, which kind of defeats the purpose of the gym, but they're so tasty that I can't pass them up. I've earned it.

Which brings me to my point for today. After a great hour and a half workout at the gym, I pulled into Sonic to reward myself with a Diet Cherry Limeade and some tots. When the carhop comes out to deliver my food, I ask the rhetoric "How are you?" (translation: "Give me my tots and scram!")

Here's what I get in response: "Ugh. I feel fat today. It's all my husband's fault."

Now, I think I just uttered a non-committal, yet sympathetic "awww," but this begs the question - what the heck did she expect me to say? The girl looked like she was in her early twenties, and she was puffy - not fat - but dough boy puffy. I had seen her there before and observed her as a little chubby, but nothing out of the ordinary. But was she pregnant? Perhaps that was what she was trying to tell me.

But I wouldn't dare suggest such a thing and risk ruining my Sonic routine.

1 comment:

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