Monday, April 7, 2008

I Need a Vacation!

I know I just got back from a nice, long weekend in Phoenix - well, it was a month ago but you would think that flying cross country and doing nothing much would satisfy my nerves until the warmer climate started rolling into the DC area and everything becomes more pleasant. Not so.

Our flight from Phoenix landed at Reagan National at about 7pm. Walking towards the baggage claim, I turn on my phone and check for 7:30pm, I found out that Purdue was assigned to the West bracket for March Madness, which means that their first two games were going to be played in DC. And who is the DC contact that will help Purdue stake out their "home base" while in DC? This gal! Well - all the stress knots that the masseuse worked out of my body suddenly reappeared!

So the week leading up to the first round games was crazy. I was hostile and irritable (especially to my coworkers) - but not without merit. When I got to work that week, I found out that my coworkers seemed to have take a vacation while I was on my vacation. No meeting minutes, no follow ups while I was gone, which equals no progress. Basically they couldn't tell me anything that I missed. That is unacceptable to me and they had to endure my wrath for the rest of the week. That's now how you want to start your week off after a pleasant vacation!

Ever since we got back from Phoenix, it's been non-stop for me - between work (covering for three people that were out at the same time, including my manager), volleyball, Purdue events, and going away parties, I haven't had a free moment to myself and therefore, I think I need another vacation. I mean, I haven't even been able to go shopping!

I look ahead at my calendar wondering when a weekend will come up when I have nothing to do. Sadly, I think that weekend will be April 19th. I know I have to slow things down and that weekend of the 19th is only one break that I will have until the activities start piling up again....volunteering, visiting my hair dresser (in dire need of a haircut) and parents (whom I haven't seen since Christmas - but you can see who is more important in this scenario because he got listed first) in NY/NJ, and weekend sports.

So what am I going to do that weekend of April 19th? Probably play a game of soccer and sleep...that's probably what I need most - sleep, and a nice massage...we'll see. It's two weeks away - in the meantime, I can have my younger nephew massage my feet when he's here over the weekend - he's only four but he loves feet!


  1. I can see how you feel you have been run ragged!

  2. I think vacations are often like that for me too. You come back and then you're right back in it. Without warning . . .

  3. Your younger nephew likes feet, but you forgot, he likes to smell them more than he likes to massage them. PU!
