Thursday, April 3, 2008

Counterpoint: Dentists are A-Ok!

I know I am in the minority, but I much prefer the dentist to the doctor. Any doctor. I've had my wisdom teeth out (all four impacted, thank you very much) and surgery to have some regular molars extracted before getting braces (roots fused to my jaw bone). I didn't even mind the dentist then.

I have had cavities filled with no laughing gas. Sure, they were on the small side, but who's counting? It is a badge of honor. True, the drilling sound is a little annoying (and much more so when you're not high on laughing gas), but I like to show the dentist I'm tough! (this is in sharp contrast to the doctor, where I cannot have a vile of blood drawn without getting lightheaded or even my blood pressure taken without turning white as a sheet). What I'm saying is that I don't generally have a high tolerance for pain, but for some reason I don't mind it when it comes to my teeth. I relish my bravery!

When I went to the dentist last week, there was 70's music playing in the background. I thought, "How did they know how much I look forward to 70's music at the dentist?" I secretly asked for it, and they delivered. Nothing says the dentist like the Bee Gees! Oh - and I look forward to the lead apron they put on me when they take x-rays. It's so cozy to feel that perfectly distributed weight on me while I'm just lying there in the chair. Relaxation.

But you know what my favorite part of the dentist is?

They don't weigh me.

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