Friday, January 18, 2008

The Big 3-2

Yesterday I turned the big 3-2. Because it was my birthday, I decided to take a day off from blogging. But I'm back...another year older and perhaps a little wiser.

I wanted to share my experiences with you all - I like to call it "The Beginnings of 32." I woke up yesterday with a minor pimple below my nose and two healing pimples on my chin. The day started out gray and gloomy and soon after getting into work (yes, I worked on my birthday), big, fat chunks of snow started falling. Lord knows how much I hate snow so it seemed only fitting. As I was scarfing down my egg sandwich at my desk, my director comes over to my cube and asks of I could do a demo for him and the executive director. With a mouth full of egg, I said, 'Sure - I'll be done in 2 minutes.' And sure enough, five minutes later, I have the director and executive director in my cube, the executive director hovering over my shoulder, as I demo'd a new screen for him.

I can't see the windows from my cube, so I just sat doing my work without any idea of what it was really like outside. When I finally did get up to go to the cafeteria for lunch, I saw that it had already snowed like 3-4 inches! and it was coming down big and hard. I had a call at 1pm so I couldn't leave until that was over. Stupid me also drove the sedan to work - not the SUV - so I felt like l had to make my way home before the roads got any worse. I managed to leave and get home, in decent time, without incident. Well, not completely without incident. When I pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the car, the snow was deep enough that it started coming into my Cole-Haan patent leather shoes! After work, I put on the snow boots and headed out to the driveway to shovel. At this point, it was half raining, half hailing. But it was something that had to be done. My husband drove in a few minutes later and yelled at me to go inside because it was my birthday and I shouldn't have been shoveling. And we had 7pm dinner reservations and I couldn't tell if it was sweat dripping down my forehead or rain. We both managed to get the driveway cleared in no time and I ran in to take a shower before dinner. It was sweat because my shirt was drenched (that's classy!).

We headed to the nice mall (Tysons II) before dinner and strolled around. The only downer was Neiman Marcus sold out of my body wash - so I have to wait for the next shipment in February - boo. But we went to the new steakhouse that opened up - Wildfire. Because we had reservations, they put us in a booth that sat six people - but it was nice. We had soup, salad, entree and decadent chocolate cake for dessert. I felt like a heffer we managed to walk around the mall a little more (need to work off that food) and then head home.

Day 2 of being 32 - I was all ready to work from home, in my sweats. I went downstairs to connect to work, turned on the TV to watch (for the first time) 'Make Me a Supermodel' and started eating some breakfast. 30 minutes later, I could not connect to the internet, I stomped up the stairs to get changed out of my sweats and make myself look presentable to go to work. Eventhough our driveway was cleared, it was a sheet of ice. I had on my Burberry wellies and still managed to slip and fall on my left side (butt, hip and shoulder). I got in the car, muttered some expletives and immediately called my husband for some sympathy. I am now at work, laptop connecting to the network just fine (imagine that) and basically saying that 32 has not started out as great as it could have been. Then again, I wasn't expecting much...but hip replacement? Not at all.

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