Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hugs, Not Slugs (or Drugs)

I know there are a lot of people out there that are big into hugs. In fact, it seems customary for some cultures to give hugs and cheek kisses upon greetings and departures - that is, daily greetings and departures.

I have to say, I was never a big hug person. I cherish my personal space and don't really appreciate people impeding on that space. But the same doesn't hold true for my husband...I love getting hugs from him. It's like every romance novel cliche with him - I feel safe and warm when I'm in his embrace (gag, here). I also love hugging my nephews probably because they're still small and I can get away with hugging them all the time - unlike when they get to the age where hugging can be embarrassing. There are certain friends I don't mind hugging - I find I'm hugging more friends nowadays than I ever did in my life. I hug my friends after a good night out (in thanks), upon not seeing them for awhile (cause I've missed them) or after spending a good amount of time with them (closing the chapter on our time together and who knows when we'll get to do this again). But there are definitely a lot more hugs when alcohol is consumed...then I'm not so picky about my personal space being invaded. (Odd.)

You have your serial huggers - these people hug, touch, grope - whatever. To them, personal space is not sacred...and they like to touch or hug you anytime and every time. Sometimes with these people, I get a little overloaded on their hugs and eventually might not even look forward to seeing them because of the eventual hug that will occur - is that bad? And these people are sober - I admit that I become somewhat of a serial hugger when I drink - it's liquid courage - it helps me put my guard down.

And then you just have people that are just downright not huggers. Yes, I was one of these people but it's grown on me - I think it depends on the hugger or the huggee - but you have people that just plain avoid it. They are the 'don't even try and touch me' non-huggers. And when you're "lucky" enough to capture them into one of your hugs, it can both look and feel awkward.

I had one such incident happen recently where I was greeting a couple that I knew by acquaintance. I certainly didn't know them as well as I know other people but they were invited over to my house because I was hosting a party. When the couple came into the house, the male opened his arms and gave me a hug. Okay - I'm feeling this - it's the holidays - I can dig it. Then I turned to his wife and expected the same - I went in for a hug with her that eventually turned out to be an awkward, half hug and maybe a weird pat on the back. I found out a couple of days later that the wife - not a hugger. Had I known that, I wouldn't have went in for it. I would've stopped with her husband...gladly. I guess I just didn't want her to feel left out in the mayhem of holiday hugginess.

Oh well - what's done is done and now I know - she is not a hugger. So noted.

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