Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Miss Scarlett

I could tell our London trip was off to a good start right away - at the Dulles Airport. While it was a little sad that Jen's and my manicure appointments did not leave us enough time to swing by The Olive Garden for a little soup, salad and breadsticks combo, what they did ensure is that our timing was perfect for something else: a celebrity sighting! If my penchant for celebrity gossip and trash t.v. should tell you anything, it is this: I LOVE a celebrity sighting! And Scarlett Johansson? Well, that's just the motherload.

Jen and I had just eaten our replacement meals at the truncated, Dulles Airport "Harry's Tap Room" and headed through the security line. As is my custom, after proceeding through security, I made a bee line for a row of seats where I could refasten my shoes (ala Fred Rogers). Through my peripheral vision, I could see a girl/woman talking to a female security guard. They were having some friendly banter, and the end of the conversation was crucial for celebrity sighting purposes: the security guard said something about how nice it was to talk to the girl/woman and told her to have a nice trip, and the girl/woman said, in a throaty voice, "You too," and then chuckled a little because the security guard was clearly working and thus not en route anywhere (much like when the guy at the window at McDonald's tells you to enjoy your meal, and you instinctively respond "you too," like an idiot). But rather than treating girl/woman like an idiot, the security guard said she was indeed traveling for Thanksgiving, just not today. She did not want girl/woman to feel stupid (how considerate).

Anyway, what this told me was that girl/woman was someone famous. And only then did I look up. And there she was. Scarlett Johansson. I have to say, she was quite lovely in person. Beautiful skin. And tiny. She was wearing a newsboy cap (with her hair tucked inside), a beautiful cream wool coat, and some pants with brown tall boots over the pant legs. She had been right next to me - maybe 4 or 5 feet.

Naturally, I had to find Jen and tell her the news before my celebrity got away. And naturally, I wanted to act as nonchalant as possible. So I mall-walked back to the end of the security line to find Jen and whispered, "Scarlett Johansson is right there." Jen was all "What?" Evidently, she heard "Taylor Hanson." Hmmm.... Hanson brothers sighting? Doesn't have quite the same ring, does it?

Whatever the case, Jen was finally able to decipher my mumbling and promptly reached into her bag to retrieve her glasses to confirm. We talked about it for a good deal in the people mover to our gate. My first instinct, I told Jen, was to say to Scarlett - "Hmm... The Nanny Diaries - not your best choice." Jen was ready to let Scarlett know what she really thought of "Match Point." But no matter. That, combined with the excitement of going to London, made for a very good journey.

Of course, it still did not stop me from complaining about the broken t.v. at my seat on the plane.

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