Thursday, August 23, 2007


My name is Amanda. I am a snooze-aholic.

Someday, I am going to find the person who invented the snooze button on the alarm clock. And we will have words. Because the snooze button - it's been a monkey on my back ever since Mom stopped waking me up for school.

I am not your casual snoozer. I know some people can hit it just once or twice and then hop out of bed. Not me. I am actually afraid to admit how many times I can hit snooze in one morning. To be honest, most of the time I couldn't even tell you. I have learned to incorporate the snooze button into my dreams. I am like a snooze sleepwalker. I have tried every trick in the book to make myself GET UP! when I hear the alarm, but nothing seems to work.

My freshman year in college, I slept on the top of a bunk bed. I purposely stationed the alarm clock across the room so I would be forced to jump off the top bunk to turn it off. Sadly, this did not curb my addiction. I would still manage to hit the snooze button five times. After each time, I would simply climb back into my bed for that extra five minutes. Even on the sixth time, I did not completely give up. I would press the button and then, instead of crawling back in my bed again, I would take a little power nap on the couch. Unfortunately for me, I had no roommate to put me in my place - she was a townie who rarely slept in the dorm.

In the years since then, things have not improved. No matter where I put that alarm clock, I will find a way back to my little nest. I have even mastered the art of hitting snooze with my big toe. Many people are baffled by this. They ask me why I don't just set the alarm for later so I can get more time of undisturbed sleep. But to me, the best sleep in the world is "five minutes more . . ."

1 comment:

  1. That's so funny - I'm usually really good about hitting the snooze no more than twice and getting up. But ever since I gave up control of the alarm and snooze to Brett, I can't even remember hearing the alarm go off the first four times. I know he has it set for like 6:45 AM but he usually has to nudge me out of bed around 7:20 and I'm like 'What happened to the alarm?' I think Brett has his hand over the snooze after eight mins in anticipation for that alarm to go off at nine mins...and why nine mins? Did anyone ever figure that out?!
