Wednesday, August 15, 2007

More Public Restroom Observations

I'm bringing it back to the bathroom - no toilet humor here, just plain old observations that I've collected in all my experience using public restrooms.
My biggest gripe has to be remnants left in the toilet or not even remnants but the lack of a flush. I will admit that when I was A LOT younger and I had to go to a public restroom by myself, I was scared. Scared of being alone and scared of the loud flush and a possible sewer monster rising out from the toilet to come get me. And because of my fear, I would not flush - just washed my hands (of course) and ran out of there. If there were others in the restroom, then I flushed.
Nowadays, I actually prefer being alone in a public restroom so I get my pick of stalls but I often wonder why do I always pick the one with remnants in the toilet? I look, I see, I shudder, and then I move on to the next stall. Never fails. But then I find myself thinking why the previous occupant didn't bother flushing or sparing a backwards glance prior to leaving the stall to make sure it was all clear. Mainly out of courtesy for the next user but if there is a waiting line of people, then it's really to spare yourself the embarrassment of the next person knowing what you did. The check only takes a mere second or two. It's so simple - if yes (there are remnants), flush again; if no, exit stall.
The other thing that I see that totally makes me shudder is when a toilet seat cover is left on the seat. 'Hey, thanks for leaving that for me, but I think I'll just use the next stall.' Ick. Even if that was the only stall available, I don't think I would use it. Why would I want to touch something that your butt has been on? I even see this a lot in our office restrooms and I'm like, 'People - we're adults here - what's the problem?!'
So remember when you're using a public restroom, spare a backwards glance and give it the all clear. What you do in your own bathroom is your business.


  1. I think the no-flushing problem has become infinitely worse because of the sensor flush. But I don't trust the sensors. Unless the timing works out perfectly (which is pretty much never), I go for that little round black button. I have this feeling that a lot of people don't know it's there. I waste a lot of water in public restrooms. I am a multiple flusher. But even so, I have this paranoia when someone goes into the stall I just exited. I'm always worried I didn't leave it clean enough or something (which is impossible because I flush multiple times and triple check). Once I went in a stall where someone had tried to flush a paper towel down there. It wasn't gross or anything, but I was so nervous the whole time thinking that mine was going to be the flush that broke the camel's back and the whole thing would just start overflowing on my watch.

  2. Also - I am a foot flusher...button or handle - it's my foot that does the flushing because I don't know where other hands have been. Presumably up your butt, wiping.
    Therefore, I use my kickboxing/karate techniques and flush the toilet. Sidekick for button sensors; crescent kick for standard handles.

  3. I am also a foot flusher. It keeps me agile.

  4. You know what else I never understood? Bathroom "lounges." They had some couches and stuff in the bathrooms in some of the old buildings at Purdue. And I would actually see people hanging out in there. Eww!!! I'm in there to do my business and then get the hell out of there.

  5. Be glad you don't work at the Downers location of your company.

    The restrooms are like something out of Wrigley Field during the 8th inning.
