Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Calm Before the Storm

This weekend begins what many DC natives anticipate as complete mayhem descending upon our nation's capital, that will last until the later part of next week - INAUGURATION WEEK! There are brunches, receptions, galas, parties all leading up to the actual inauguration day and then the actual inauguration day activities itself followed by more parties, galas and bars remaining open until 4 AM?!

Although politicos have cut their original estimates of how many people are expected to come into the DC area, the estimates are still quite large. And mixed in with those numbers....celebrities. Many celebs made it no secret who they were stomping for during the elections and now they want to be a part of history - be a part of the mayhem.

I don't disagree that this will be a historical inauguration. We'll say that this is the first 'minority' to ever hold the POTUS post, since I've seen reports and interviews where African-American and White groups will not "claim" Mr. Obama. Regardless, this is a huge stepping stone for the US of A. Still doesn't mean I want to take part in it. I've tried getting into DC when the Smithsonian was having their summer festivals or when the World Bank warrants street closures - ain't no way you're getting me in for the inauguration ceremonies. I DID try to get some Oprah tickets for her filming at the Kennedy Center to no avail (darn those stay-at-home moms that are on the internet all day!) and that was the only exception I was going to make for setting foot into DC next week - but perhaps luckily, I did not get on the ticket list and therefore have vowed to steer clear of DC.

Unfortunately, I find that I do need to drop into DC (Georgetown specifically) on Saturday, but I'm hoping my trip is an in and out type of thing. I know what I want, I know where to get it, and once I get it, I can leave and not look back until post January 24th some time. I'm figuring that since it's only the VERY beginning of inauguration week, that's probably around the time people will start flying in, get settled, visit some monuments and other what-have-yous. I *could* be safe. It would REALLY help if someone could give me some agendas/schedules to help me plan out my own personal schedule?! Can we make that happen? Maybe I'll walk past a celeb or two also doing some light shopping in the Georgetown never know. That would just be a bonus.

I keep thinking about whether or not I should do it and all signs are pointing to 'yes.' The worst that can happen is that the Key Bridge is closed and I turn myself around and head home. No biggie. Of course, it could turn into a 30 minute stop-n-go situation on 'M' Street just to reach the parking never know. In that case, I would spend a little more time in Georgetown just to get my parking money's worth.

Either way - I think next week is going to be CRAZY - or 'off the chain' as one of my friends described. I tend to agree - but hopefully me and my little ones won't be part of it. Wish me luck!

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