Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yaye For Fat Pants!!!!

All women have their fat days - it may be more frequent than bad hair days, but I know that there would always be a week in every month where I just felt FAT.

I knew a lot of it was psychological and it was just prepping me for my monthly visitor - but I still didn't like it. And it was during these days that the baggy shirts came out and the best bottoms were drawstring and loose bottoms.

I've been having a lot of fat days lately - of course every time I voice this aloud, I usually get an annoyed response "You're not fat, you're pregnant!" This is true....but it doesn't prevent me from feeling like a two-ton heffer. The sad part is that I'm not even done with my first trimester (one week left) but the reason for the rapid growth in my girth is due to, so I'm told, is that I'm having twins. And everything seems to speed up when you're having twins.

I've been trying to hold off buying maternity clothes - I really don't need them - sweaters have been really helpful during this time to hide everything - but it's the bottoms that have been the struggle. I already purchased a belly band and I told my fellow cupcake, Amanda, that wearing jeans with the belly band is like HEAVEN - I'm so much more comfortable and don't feel like I'm "suffocating" the babies. And I look forward to going home in the evenings because I jump out of my work clothes and get into my sweats - pronto.

Yesterday, as I was getting ready for work, and had already resigned myself to the fact that I would no longer be wearing any size 8s, I was really surprised when one of my size 8 pants actually fit and didn't "suffocate" my tummy. I was very excited.....until I went to go sit in the car and I hear this 'POP.' I checked the back of my pants really quick - no hole. I checked my winter coat - no hole or rips.....I sat in the car for about a NY minute before I decided to go inside and verify with a mirror that my pants didn't rip. They did not.

I got to work and was walking to my office when I felt silky fabric rubbing against my backside...and then it occurred to me....I split my lining! And sure enough, a trip to the ladies' room confirmed it. Total bummer. Size 8s are now officially a size of my past - thank goodness I have size 10 work pants from my feeling-fat days.

I was excited this morning when I went into my dressing room and discovered that not only did I have "fat pants" for work - I had a pair of "fat jeans" because not surprisingly, I was down to like 1.5 jeans that fit me comfortably....however now that they've been freshly washed, we could be down to which these fat jeans will come in very handy!

So yaye for fat pants because without them, I would be wishing that I could show up to work in sweats or drawstring pants...which wouldn't be a bad thing but it wouldn't be very professional.

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