Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where Do They Come From, Where Do They Go?

Last night saw another world championship complete with the Philadelphia Phillies winning the 2008 World Series. I could care less about the Phillies - but what has always fascinated me, growing up, is how fast a championship team gets their championship gear after their win. This applies to any of the championships - the Superbowl, the Stanley Cup, the NBA (what is their championship called?) and the World Series being the major of the championships.

I remember growing up, watching championship games and being AMAZED at how quickly the winning players had their 'Championship' hats on right after the game. I was always wondering, 'How did they know that this team was going to win?' Thus was the mind of a very, young girl. But now I know better - they make championship gear for both teams - that's what makes it so easily accessible to the general public as well.

After figuring that piece out, the question then became, what happens to the losing team's championship accessories and apparel? I mean, you have to think that they had to make equal amounts for both teams - so you have enough to cover the team and all it's staff, and stuff that's ready to go on sale to the general public as early as the following day - what happens to all that stuff?

Well apparently, they get donated to third world countries. That's nice to know - at least it isn't a big waste and someone is getting some use out of the stuff - but just think, if you're ever on a trip for Unicef in Africa or touring the underdeveloped nations of South America, you just might run into natives that believe that the Patriots won the 2007 Superbowl...and you'll have to stop and think about it and say, 'Hmmm - I could've sworn the Giants won that game.'


  1. I don't think they have a fancy name for the championship games for the NBA. I believe it's simply called the "NBA Finals". It's sad when you think about it. Every other sport has a special name, but they don't.

  2. Didn't the Colts win the 2007 Superbowl? Against the Bears?

  3. Actually that was considered the 2006 Superbowl cause the season was 2006 eventhough the championship was played in 2007. So it's always considered the year before they actually play the championship took me awhile to figure that out.
