Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Flying the Friendly Skies

This past weekend, my husband and I went to Vermont for a wedding. It was the perfect time to get away, as Vermont gave us a promised taste of fall (my favorite season), which Texas lacks (I'm not even singling Del Rio out this time - Austin presented the same void).

I'm sure it won't surprise you to learn that getting from Del Rio, Texas to Burlington, Vermont is no easy task. No direct flights, that's for sure. Try two connections (i.e., three legs). Good times! Amazingly enough, Del Rio has an airport. Three flights to Houston a day. Just Houston.

So Shawn and I decided to take advantage of the fact that Del Rio has an airport by booking our flights on Continental (for which Houston is a hub). On the way there, it was Del Rio - Houston - Cleveland - Burlington. And you know what? I have to say that Continental is kind of awesome. I recalled flying Continental several times when I lived in Austin, and I never had any issues with that airline. But what Continental offers now, in comparison to other carriers, is seriously impressive.

Shawn and I EACH got to check one bag free of charge. And get this - our soft drinks on each of our legs were free, AND we got a lunch on the long leg! It was just a little turkey sub, but still - it was food. And did I mention it was free?

Compare to U.S. Airways, which I flew just a few weeks ago out of San Antonio (keep in mind, this is the same airline on which I foolishly forked over extra money to fly first class at the last minute, only to be served Sun Chips). Oh yes, I handed over the $15 to check my tiny bag. And then I learned (through posters throughout the terminal) that U.S. Airways is NOW offering beverages on its flights starting at $1. Starting at $1? Seems impressive, huh? Oh wait - you mean, $1 for beverages that used to be free? Yes. $1 for a coffee or tea. But if you want water, sorry - that will cost you double.

Hey - I understand that times are tight and that airlines are starting to charge for things that used to be complimentary. But seeing those posters just pissed me off. Hey U.S. Airways - here's a tip: why don't you just admit that you've hit hard times and just tell us that you're sorry you have to charge now? Instead of the "Beverages starting at $1!" like it's some kind of great bargain, why not just put up posters that say this:

"We're sorry to tell you that the soft drinks that used to be complimentary on our flights are now $1 and up. We know it sucks, but we are just trying to stay afloat so that we can afford to get you to your destination. Thank you for flying U.S. Airways."

Or how about this action? At LEAST offer us a glass of water on the flight, for God's sake. Are times really that rough?

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