Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Writing Hand

I've always enjoyed writing - I think because I have a somewhat, overactive imagination. But I definitely think with my self-diagnosed ADD (, if I were to write a fictional story, like chic lit, my story would just go around in an endless spiral - there would be a beginning but it would never end because I would have gone off on too many tangents.

However, I do really enjoy writing - you give me a subject, I can write up a short story...hence all my blog entries. I think they've been pretty much focused and on track to the subject at hand, but I know there are a couple out there where I've gone off on tangents (not more than twice).

But I'm currently reading a non-fiction book by a journalist that wrote about a specific life experience that she went through and interviewed six other couples that went through the same life experience to get their own differing experiences and opinions. That got me thinking that I could write about my own life experience because when I was at the bookstore, I didn't really find many "personal journals" on the subject at hand...more scientific journals. So I've started jotting down all these notes and ideas and events that have happened in the past couple of years so that when I do get to writing this thing, I don't leave anything out.

I find that if I don't write things down, I will never remember what I was thinking....this goes for blog entries too - I will think of some great things to write about and because I don't write them down, when I'm ready to blog, I forget what my great idea was...which is my own damn fault.

I won't disclose the specific subject that I want to write this book about but I do know that it's got a beginning, a lot of middle, it's personal and hopefully it will have a happy ending.

And as a follow-up book, I could write about my life growing up as an Asian American in a predominantly Jewish/Catholic town - the outlandish expectations, the constant comparisons to other Chinese people's kids. That would be a great one to do interviews with and get everyone's take.

I'm excited to try my hand at writing - now, our goal is to finish!

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