Monday, December 3, 2007

One for You, Two for Me . . .

Let's face it - the holiday season has begun. As with every year, it's hard to believe it got here so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was cursing the giant inflatable snowglobe at the grocery store - which was prominently displayed in the aisle next to the Halloween decorations. "It's too early for Christmas," I groused, "and I can't stand those puffies!!" (okay, that's really my mom talking on that second part - but I don't like them either).

I vow every year that I'm going to cut back on the holiday shopping. I have very good intentions (what's that saying about the road to hell . . . ?). Here's what happens: I get some vague idea of where I want to start my holiday shopping. I need something for my mom, my sister-in-laws, my mother-in-law, you get the idea. And I find something generic enough that it's probably a good gift. And it's a good deal, for some reason or other. But I am just not sure. Immediately after I hastily make my purchase, I start to think, "Maybe it is actually more suited for someone else . . . maybe someone like . . .me."

I think I may have a problem.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely hard, when you're shopping for others, not to think about yourself - because you tend to be friends with those that have similar tastes and interests and you inevitably want to get something that not only they like but you would be proud of giving....I've got the same problem. Look at the wooden flowers - two for others and one for me! :)
