Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stop Whining

On the Today Show yesterday, there was a segment about this minister in Kansas City who started a "no complaints" campaign. The campaign challenges people to make it 21 days without complaining. To those attempting this, the church provides a purple plastic bracelet (you know, the Lance Armstrong kind) bearing the words "A Complaint Free World." With each relapse (i.e. complaint), the contestant has to switch the bracelet to the other wrist and restart the count. According to the Today Show correspondent, this causes wear and tear on the bracelet and may require a replacement.

In theory, I think the campaign is a nice idea. But I must confess - I am not up for the challenge. If my complaints fell by the wayside, surely my sense of humor would follow. I mean, without my "observations," what's left?

I shudder to think of all of the new found Pollyannas out there. I mean - sure - perhaps there could be a little less complaining in the world. But if everyone is so goody two shoes, where's the fun?

1 comment:

  1. Bad campaign - or at least I would be a complete failure at it and the bracelet would stay on one wrist the whole time.
    I don't think I can get through 24 hours without complaining about would be easier if other people just didn't piss me off so much.
