Monday, July 9, 2007

Clay Aiken Is Not Attractive

You know, I feel like I am at the point in my life where I can confess to my "guilty pleasures." There was a time when I may not have admitted my weakness for Air Supply (I was a full on fan in 1983 with their "Greatest Hits" cassette as well as the lesser known "Now and Forever" only to closet my love for them during the junior high/high school era). But now (perhaps inspired by movies like Mr. and Mrs. Smith and The Wedding Date), I feel free to openly enjoy the Aussie duo. And while it may not be as unpopular to be a Bee Gees fan as it was at the end of disco, the Bee Gees are hardly U2-solid. Yet, I proudly turn up "Night Fever" and "I Started A Joke" when I hear them in the car (even with passengers).

But good God. Clay Aiken. I NEVER understood the appeal of this one. I am as much of an American Idol sucker as the next person. But, while technically passable, you cannot convince me that Clay's rendition of "Open Arms" can even come close to touching Steve Perry's. Yes, Clay Aiken has that "musical theater" quality, but in the campy campy way - not in the way that Colm Wilkinson gives people chills. There is nothing enjoyable to me about Clay's singing. So I was beyond surprised that he attracted that crazy "Claymates" following - even considering the different demographic of said Claymates.

But what really gets me is his ickiness COMBINED with the diva-like behavior. First, it was the whole Kelly Ripa incident, who, as I understand, was justifiably making a quick quip in response to Clay's diva behavior of covering her mouth with his hand on Regis and Kelly. And NOW I read about Mr. Aiken getting involved in an airplane spat about his resting his feet on some woman's arm rest. Ew. Just ew. As if the thought of Clay himself weren't enough, the thought of him committing one of my biggest pet peeves ever (someone else's feet on my chair) and on the part of the chair that is meant for the arms, no less, just completely gives me the creeps.

Clay Aiken - you are not attractive. Just sayin'.


  1. That is the stupidest fan base following name that I had ever heard. The 'Fanilows' spit on the 'Claymates.' Maybe all his claymates are Gumby.

    But yeah -what's wrong with Clay? He's reaching Justin Guarinni (however you spell it) status....
    He should appeal to his strength and go to Broadway.

  2. I saw another picture of Clay today - he looks swelled up and his hair looks like straw.

  3. I'm not sure the appeal either. He has gotten better looking as a result of a serious makeover due to AI, but he's not hot. I have only heard like one of his songs on the radio so I'm not sure how all the Claymates are such huge fans. Maybe they luv him because they felt sorry for him in the beginning. He's like their nerd idol or something.

  4. Ah - welcome back, Becky. I was wondering where you were :)

    His new hairdo reminds me of that God awful "Chris Gaines" version of Garth Brooks.

  5. It took me forever to figure out the whole Chris Gaines dealio!
