Friday, July 13, 2007

At Last....I Found It!!!

I took a little trip to London and Ireland in May - it was my first visit to the UK and Ireland and it was fun!
In London, there was this bar/restaurant that I really liked - the Living Room - near Piccadilly. It has a really cool lounge-y atmosphere with a big bar and LOTS of people in suits. We went there for both dinner and drinks and it was great. While eating dinner there one night, they had some guy playing the guitar and singing. This guy was impressive. He had me at 'Take Your Mama' by the Scissor Sisters. And then when he played Franz Ferdinand's 'Take Me Out' (all acoustic), I became an instant fan. I never even got his name - I think I found it on the internet when I got back but I have since forgotten it and could probably just look it up again. BUT this is not the point. The point is, he played this other song and during the chorus, people in the bar started singing along...and it was a catchy little tune....all I got out of it was 'hey hey hey' and 'America.' Then, when we were driving in Ireland, I had heard the song on the radio and was like 'HEY, this is the song that guy sang!' So the song played out and the station DJ never said who sang the song. After hearing the song in it's entirety, without the chorus of drunk people, I decided that it was a good song. If only I knew who sang it!
The search begins....
I got back to the States and started doing searches on the Internet and iTunes. Nothing. I started singing the little bit I knew to friends, in hopes that someone might have heard of it. Nothing...mostly blank stares, but mainly nothing. I thought perhaps I should just let it go...let the song slowly fall back into the recesses of my mind. But it wouldn't fall because I actually had a dream about it a couple of weeks ago where the band's name was written down on a piece of paper - I remember maneuvering my head to get a better look...I thought I had it but by the time I woke up, I had forgotten (my darn Adult A.D.D. kicking in again). So a couple of days later, while browsing through iTunes, I noticed a 'country' selection filter at the bottom.
A light goes on....
I thought to myself, 'Hmmm...just maybe.' So I flipped the flag to the old Union Jack and started my search. I immediately went to the 'Top 100 Songs' section because I figured it couldn't be a very old song and maybe people in the UK were still downloading it. I started looking down the list and playing the 30 second snippets (I also played a lot of dance snippets, which was fun) and as I went down the list...HELLO, #80...
Song Title: America
Artist: Razorlight
Song Snippet: MATCH
Oh My GOD! I found it! I can't believe it. I rush back over to US iTunes and download immediately. I'm so excited, my hands are shaking. I send it over to Becky immediately, since she's the only other person that can know what I'm talking about since she was my travel buddy. I proceed to play the song about five times in an hour to make up for lost time.
So with some good old fashion MacGuyver thinking and my love of work procrastination, I was finally able to lay this mystery to rest and stop the replay in my head.

Another thought that occurred to me while in Europe: I DO like Amy Winehouse. I had heard her sporadically on the radio in the US and saw stories about her online and on MTV but never really got into her music. But because we were in her home country, I heard 'Rehab' and 'You Know I'm No Good' a few times and it grew on me. I downloaded her album from iTunes upon my return. If you haven't heard of her or heard her music, she's got a great old-school, R&B feel to her...and she's got drinking problems...but whatever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. For years, I searched for this classical violin song featured in the closing credits in one episode of Party of Five. I finally did find it. I don't know why I wanted it so much, but I just did. I'm so glad to hear your search was much less extensive that that (I listened to CDs in libraries, etc. - it was crazy - pre iTunes, of course).

  3. Love Amy Winehouse...I like "These Tears Dry on Their Own". You'd think she's an overnight sensation, but I believe this is her second album. And the reason why she's so big right now is b/c Jay-Z is behind her. You also need to check out the gossip on her. Her "husband" (the guy who inspired the new album) is what some ppl consider to be the British equivalent to K-Fed.

  4. Yes, America is a fantastic song. I also played it numerous times in a row when Jen sent it over. It was Jen's rendevous with Paulo song :P
