Thursday, November 1, 2007

Maybe There's Still Hope

Happy Belated Halloween!
Last night was the first night in about five years that we have been able to take part in the tradition of passing out candy to trick-or-treaters. It's been so long that I almost forgot how much I missed it - I spent the previous three weeks making sure our outdoor decorations were ready, yet tasteful. I wanted people to know: 'Yes, you're welcome here and we'll give you candy too.'

I was told, by the previous owner, that there tends to be upwards of 80-something kids that come by on Halloween. I think we probably missed a bunch of them because I would think they would try to start when it was still daylight outside and by the time I get home from work, it's dark. I had purchased three, giant Costco bags of candy because it's always better to be safe than sorry. By the time I did reach home, my husband had been home for about 45 minutes and no one came by yet. So while I was cooking dinner and just de-stressing from the day, kids started showing up. Because it was already dark outside, I didn't think we would get many kids afterwards, so each kid that showed up got between 3-4 pieces of candy from the bowl.

My husband answered the door for the most part. I was still preparing and eating dinner but I could still hear the kids yelling 'trick or treat' and all that good stuff. As the night went on, we started getting more kids and not all of them young - there were some pre-teens and a few teenagers and I have to say, that the pre-teens and teenagers that came to our door were probably the most polite kids I have ever heard. From the kitchen, I could hear them say, 'Trick or Treat.' Once candy was deposited into their bags/buckets, I heard, 'Thank you. Have a Happy Halloween.' I thought that was nice. And I also thought, 'Someone's raising those kids right.'

So there's still hope out there that the future of this country may not be going down the tubes with the way today's (early) 20-somethings are behaving....good to know.

1 comment:

  1. SO you're telling me that no one egged your house this year ;)
