Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Forget Choice - Surprise Me!

Sometimes, I wonder why I bother buying DVDs. Sure, they give me the option to watch what I want, when I want it. But you know what? I'm still going to gamble and see what's on t.v. Case in point: I own every single episode of Sex & the City. I bought each season when it came out because I simply had to have it. And yet, each beautiful DVD set just sits on my shelf while I cuddle up on my couch each night and watch the sanitized TBS version of the show that airs at 11 p.m. It's all about the element of surprise. Which watered down episode will TBS spoon feed me this time?

I've kind of known this to be the case for a long time. It's happened many times before with movies - even the VHS days. Did I ever pull out that copy of The Shawshank Redemption hanging out in my coffee table drawer? Nope. But you can bet your a$$ I got sucked into that movie every single time I came across it while surfing.

Perhaps there was a part of me a long time ago who yearned for the age where an entire television series would be available for purchase. You should ask my mom what she did with all of those VHS tapes filled from beginning to end with episodes of Family Ties. Then again, if I only watched what I had deliberately sought out, I wonder how I would be introduced to anything new.

Is there a point to this? Yes. And it is as wishy washy as they come. My point is that, yes, choice is good. But there is something about being in the moment - the feeling of not knowing what's coming next, that keeps things interesting. Even if what's coming next is familiar and comforting.

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